
Post-Thanksgiving Lazies

Hello, my lovely little figs! Well. After two (make that three) nights in a row of delicious turkey, veggies, cranberry jelly and more, I think it's safe to say I won't need to eat for the rest of the week. Sunday night we ate at my aunt's house, and she served up an amazing gluten-free meal.

Monday night, Dad and I cooked up a meal of our own. He did a great job on the turkey and whipped potatoes, and I prepped the rest of the meal. I also made a batch of pumpkin pasties to enjoy after dinner.

For the pasties (which I looooove) I prepared a small batch of pie crust pastry and chilled it in the fridge while the lovely, spicy pumpkin filling baked. Then it was just a matter of scooping, folding and sealing each pasty. I did a light egg wash, sprinkled them with cinnamon sugar and popped them in the oven. 

As with any baked goodies in this house, the pasties didn't last long. I had the last one this morning with a cup of vanilla chai tea. So delicious!

Other than spending time eating, the weekend was a time of reflection for me. I spent a good deal of time thinking about my family, friends, and everything else that I am so fortunate to have in this life. I am a very lucky lady. 

Moving forward from turkey, this week will be a rather busy one. I am travelling east to Halifax for 10 days, for a much needed family holiday! I am still rushing to complete a certain crafty project (which I hope to finish and give a sneak peek of tomorrow) that will be accompanying me to the east coast. We had a positive turn in the weather today, which allowed me to spend a bit of time working outside and soaking up sun in the crisp autumn air. Lovely!